6-8 June 2023
Promoted by Perlatecnica and University of Brescia
Roobopoli Hackathon
Inside the MetroInd4.0&IoT 2023 IEEE conference, UniBrescia and Perlatecnica promote the Roobopoli Challenge! It is open to teams of students from all over the world, who will compete with Roobokarts. During the event there will be a large Roobopoli – size: 3x3 meters - and each team will receive the necessary materials to program their own Roobokart.
CHALLENGE 1: Each team will have their own Roobokart already assembled and will have to meet the basic mission of the Roobokart: "The vehicle will move autonomously on the roads of Roobopoli being on the track, respecting the signs and traffic lights, temporarily stopping in the presence of obstacles and crossing the intersections by randomly choosing the direction to take among those available".
CHALLENGE 2: The teams will be challenged to complete the assigned path twice as quickly as possible being on the track and respecting the signs and traffic lights.
University of Brescia
Engineering Department
Via Branze 38 - Brescia
June 6: Introduction and starting of the competition
June 7: Second day of the proposed challenges
June 8: End of the challenge, evaluation and winner ranking
The open source code here
Bring your Windows PC and install the toolchain
On-Line Registration is available at the link below: