Measurements and virtual measurements for Industry 4.0: approaches and solutions for smart manufacturing


Giulio D'Emilia

Giulio D'Emilia

University of L'Aquila, Italy


Antonella Gaspari

Antonella Gaspari

University of L'Aquila, Italy


Emanuela Natale

Emanuela Natale

University of L'Aquila, Italy



Smart manufacturing involves many innovative requirements: a tight connection between physical and digital systems (the cyber-physical world), the capability of managing and processing in nearly real time very huge amount of data (Big Data), the ability of managing production plans in a very flexible way with reference to strongly automated and interconnected production lines (M2M). Further, the interactions between man and machine (H2M) change, to enhance the process/product quality.
All these requirements ask for new approaches for measurement systems and techniques in order to make effective the capability of transforming data into useful information for decision makers. Integration of techniques concerning virtual testing and measurements seems to be very interesting from both a technical and economical point of view.
All the steps of the measurement process are involved: transducer selection and installation, sensor calibration, system modelling and its interaction with sensors, sensor fusion and networking, data acquisition and data processing methods and algorithms, measurement uncertainty modelling and management.
Management of measurement systems and validation techniques are also noteworthy in this scenario.


Giulio D’Emilia is associate professor at DIIIE (Department of Industrial Engineering and Informatics and of Economics) of the L’Aquila University (ITALY), where he is responsible of the Labs for mechanical and thermal measurements.
Prof. Giulio D’Emilia is also responsible for L’Aquila University of the project “Lead The future”, a national initiative for dissemination of procedures and best practices of theoretic and experimental procedure in the field of environmental and social sustainability (Sustainability and Society 4.0)
Prof. Giulio D’Emilia and his research group (composed by environmental, mechanical, managerial and information engineers) devote their activity to multidisciplinary and integrated applications. He is author or coauthor of more than 130 papers published on international and Italian journals, international and national conferences.
In these papers the main results of his research activity are described, mainly concerning the development of new sensors, in particular of optical type, sensor integration in industrial scenarios and uncertainty management in complexes measurement processes. He got some experience in case studies related to the development of certified management systems for quality, environment, safety, food safety and maintenance. New engineering approaches are deeply studied, like lean manufacturing, six sigma, lean six sigma, …

Antonella Gaspari is a research fellow at University of L’Aquila. She graduated in Management Engineering in 2012. In 2014, she spent a study period in Germany, managing a research project for sensor-based condition monitoring analyses and applications, in the field of research and development in manufacturing industry, at Fraunhofer IPK (Berlin, Germany). In 2016, she obtained her Ph.D. in Mechanical, Energetic and Industrial Engineering, with specialism in diagnostics, control and environmental and industrial measurements.
Currently, she is involved in projects concerning the development of advanced and innovative measurement techniques. Her main expertise is in the field of sensors calibration, condition monitoring analyses, development of suitable processing techniques for data mining and for measurements and data flows management, with a focus on the validation and uncertainty evaluation in Big Data contexts, for industrial, civil and laboratory applications.

Emanuela Natale graduated in Environmental Engineering in 2000. She has been working as a researcher at the Department of Industrial and Information Engineering and Economics of the University of L’Aquila, since 2001. She got a Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2004.
She is concerned with mechanical, thermal and environmental measurements, with reference to applications of real interest in industrial scenarios.
In the last years her research focuses, in particular, on condition monitoring and diagnostics of industrial systems, uncertainty assessment for complex measuring systems, sensors calibration issues.


Special Session 4

IEEE MetroInd4.0&IoT 2020 WILL BE LIVE FROM WED, JUNE 3 ON WeConf!


The IEEE MetroInd4.0&IoT Online Platform will go live on Wednesday, June 3.
All plenary and technical sessions, discussions and other activities will be carried out remotely via Microsoft Teams.
Pre-recorded presentations will be available on-demand to all registered attendees until July 5, 2020.


IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society
Region 08 - Europe,Middle East,Africa
Italy Section
Italy Section IM Chapter
Italy Section SEN Chapter
Italy Section C Chapter
Italy Section EMB Chapter
Italy (North) Section IE/IA/PEL Joint Chapter
Italy Section SMC Chapter



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scuola sant'anna Pisa
Università degli studi di Brescia

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