Electronic and Mechatronics in Industry
Alessandro Massaro
Dyrecta Lab srl
Industry 4.0 facilities are very important for the optimization of industry production processes. The evolution of control and actuation is the challenge of the new Industry 5.0 oriented on intelligent auto-adaptive solutions.
The special session is focused on electronic, mechatronic improving auto-control and actuation.
The main topics are:
- in line sensors data processing,
- real time control and actuation,
- artificial intelligence and adaptive production,
- automated production processes,
- innovative electronic and mechatronic systems applied in production processes,
- multi-sensor systems and big data synchronization,
- smart sensors, micro-nano sensors,
- Internet of Things applied in automatic processes,
- innovative technologies for industry applications.
Professor Alessandro Massaro carried out scientific research at the Polytechnic University of Marche, at CNR, and at Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) as Team Leader by activating laboratories for nanocomposite sensors for industrial robotics. He is in MIUR register as scientific expert in competitive Industrial Research and social development, and he is currently head of the Research and Development section and scientific director of MIUR Research Institute Dyrecta Lab Srl. Member of the International Scientific Committee of Measurers IMEKO and IEEE Senior member, recently received an award from the National Council of Engineers as Best Engineer of Italy 2018 (Top Young Engineer 2018).