Large-scale traceability of digital MEMS sensor: statistical methods and in-line control systems
Alessandro Schiavi
INRIM - National Institute of Metrological Research
Francesca Romana Pennecchi
INRIM - National Institute of Metrological Research
Andrea Prato
INRIM - National Institute of Metrological Research
Traceability and calibration methods on large-scale of digital sensors, based on MEMS/NEMS technology, is a metrological challenge, due to the huge quantities of digital MEMS actually produced. Technical performance and reliability of digital sensors are continuously increasing, while costs drive down, therefore industry moves from testing and calibrating every device, towards statistical sampling to reduce manufacturing costs while delivering statistically acceptable levels of performance and reliability. Manufacturers see value in a traceability chain to the national laboratories, however, the currently used reference devices and testing protocols are not always compatible with their requirements. As a consequence, the possibility to provide traceability and acceptable levels of reliability to digital MEMS sensors on large-scale, based on statistical approaches, sampling methods, production quality survey and the realization of traceable systems, for in-line control on the manufacturer’s production line, are an actual priority for industry, as well as a needed requirement for end-users in actual applications.
Submissions are welcomed on (but not limited to):
- Calibration and traceability of digital MEMS sensors
- Large-scale calibration
- Sampling methods
- Production quality control
- In-line calibration
- On-line calibration
- Data quality management
- Data aggregation
Alessandro Schiavi is a researcher at the National Institute of Metrological Research (INRIM, Italy), within the Applied Metrology and Engineering Division. MSc degree in Physics, he is responsible for Vibrations, primary and secondary standard calibration. He is nominated expert within the Consultative Committee for Acoustics, Ultrasound and Vibration (CCAUV) of BIPM; member of the Technical Committee for Acoustics, Ultrasound and Vibration (TC-AUV) of EURAMET; member of the Technical Committee 22 of IMEKO (IMEKO TC22 “Vibration Measurement”). He is Contract Professor at Politecnico di Torino: Noise control Engineering. Participating into national and international joint research projects (EMRP, EMPIR, PRIN, Industrial); his main research fields are vibration fundamental metrology, environmental and mechanical vibrations, structural acoustics, mechanical and physical properties of materials.
Francesca Romana Pennecchi is a researcher at the National Institute of Metrological Research (INRIM, Italy), within the Applied Metrology and Engineering Division. She holds a European PhD in Metrology from the Politecnico of Torino (Italy) and she was assigned with research grants at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL, UK) and at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST, USA). She is member of CITAC, Eurachem/CITAC Measurement Uncertainty and Traceability Working Group and ISO/TC 69/SC 6/WG 7 Statistical methods to support measurement uncertainty evaluation. She is INRIM delegate for the MATHMET EMN and co-chair of the ENBIS Special Interest Group on Measurement Uncertainty. Participating into several research projects (EMRP, EMPIR, IUPAC/CITAC, industrial), her main research activity is focussed on mathematical and statistical methods for uncertainty evaluation, regression analysis, interlaboratory comparisons data elaboration and conformity assessment.
Andrea Prato is post-doc researcher at the National Institute of Metrological Research (INRIM, Italy), within the Applied Metrology and Engineering Division. PhD in Metrology and MSc degree in Physics, his main metrology and research areas are Force, Hardness, Gravimetry, Vibrations, Acoustics and mechanical properties of materials. He participated into national and international joint research projects (EMPIR, PRIN, Industrial) and is Adjunct Professor at Politecnico di Torino for the courses “Experimental statistics and mechanical measurement” and “Sound Engineering”.