Advances in measurement systems for environmental monitoring in industrial and agriculture field


Borghetti Michela Borghetti

Michela Borghetti

University of Brescia, Italy

Santoni Francesco Santoni

Francesco Santoni

University of Perugia, Italy

Milano Filippo Milano

Filippo Milano

University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Italy


Environmental monitoring is a critical aspect of modern industrial and agricultural operations, enabling more sustainable and efficient practices. Advances in measurement systems, including sensors and localization technologies, have significantly enhanced the ability to monitor key environmental parameters such as soil conditions, air quality, water resources, and crop health. These systems leverage a wide range of sensing modalities, such as chemical, optical, acoustic, and electromagnetic measurements, often integrated with wireless networks and advanced processing algorithms. Innovative fabrication technologies, such as printed electronics and additive manufacturing, enable the development of sensors onto 2D and 3D substrates of arbitrary size and shape, facilitating new solutions for environmental monitoring. Localization plays a crucial role in environmental monitoring, enabling precise mapping and tracking of spatial variations in monitored parameters. Emerging solutions incorporate technologies like autonomous sensor networks, remote sensing, and real-time data fusion to meet the demands of increasingly complex industrial and agricultural ecosystems.

This special session, also supported by the Italian Ministry of University and Research within the project “New sensors and measurement techniques for underground monitoring and mapping” (funded by EU in NextGenerationEU plan through the Italian "Bando Prin 2022 - D.D. 104 del 02-02-2022"), is aimed at collecting contributions on recent advancements of the research in this field seeks innovative contributions on the development, characterization, and application of advanced measurement systems for environmental monitoring. Topics include but are not limited to novel sensor technologies, localization techniques, distributed measurement architectures, and interdisciplinary approaches to industrial and agricultural challenges.


The main topics are related to:

  • Environmental Sensing for Agriculture and Industry;
  • Printed Sensors for Agriculture and Industry;
  • Advanced Localization Techniques for Environmental Monitoring;
  • Wireless Sensor Networks for Monitoring Applications;
  • Distributed Measurement Systems in Agriculture and Industry;
  • Precision Agriculture with Sensor Technologies;
  • IoT-enabled Monitoring Solutions for Industrial and Agricultural Fields;
  • Smart Sensors for Soil, Water, and Air Quality Monitoring;
  • Sensor Fusion and Data Integration for Environmental Applications;
  • Machine Learning and AI for Environmental Data Analysis;
  • Autonomous Measurement Systems in Agriculture and Industry;
  • Metrological Characterization of Environmental Sensors;
  • Energy-efficient and Sustainable Monitoring Solutions;
  • Localization Systems for Precision Agriculture;
  • Real-time Monitoring and Control in Industrial Environments.


Michela Borghetti is currently an Assistant Professor (Italian RTD-B) at the Department of Information Engineering, University of Brescia, Italy. Her research activity includes the design, the fabrication and the characterization of sensors for biomedical, industrial and agriculture applications using low-cost technologies. Furthermore, she is developing smart devices and smart objects for industrial applications.

Francesco Santoni received a master’s degree in Physics from the University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy, in 2010, and a Ph.D. in Microelectronics Engineering from the University of Rome “Tor Vergata,” Rome, Italy, in 2015. He worked as a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” from 2015 to 2017, where his research focused primarily on mathematical models of charge transport in organic semiconductors and simulations of organic electronic devices. In 2017, he joined the Engineering Department at the University of Perugia, where he is currently a Research Fellow. His current research interests include magnetic positioning systems, battery management systems, signal analysis, and the simulation and characterization of solar cells.

Filippo Milano is currently a Research Fellow at the Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Cassino, Italy. His research interests involve the design, implementation and characterization of positioning systems for biomedical and industrial applications, the development of models and techniques for the predictive batteries diagnosis and the application of eddy current techniques for the estimation of geometric and physical properties of conductive materials.

